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director's duties
1 min read
What is a liquidator?
A liquidator is a person appointed, in the winding up of a corporation, to assume control of the company's affairs and to discharge its liabilities...

1 min read
Fiona Hall (packing her bags) - profile
1 min read
Craig Matthew Adams - former proprietor of Golden Arrow, Mikara Developments, Bargo Developments, Key Asset Management and more

1 min read
ATO kills huge liquor business overnight ...
We've been researching the circumstances of a once highly successful liquor manufacturing business, with a huge client base - domestically as well as...
1 min read
What is insolvency?

Insolvency in general terms, as it relates to a corporation, is the inability to pay debts as and when they become payable.
2 min read
What is a creditors statutory demand?
The Corporations Act 2001 ("the Act") provides for the conducting of business by a corporation in Australia.
1 min read
Best Practices for Managing Business Debts and Records

There are a number of healthy things a company can do in the conduct of its affairs. Some obvious, some not so obvious.