9 min read
Many R's Podcast - S1E6: Exploring Villains and Current Projects in the World of Law and Business
Mark Smith
3 July 2021 5:56:17 PM
Many R's Podcast - S01E06 for more information and indepth villain profiles - visit our webpage
To share this video: https://youtu.be/t3SAWQaqWks
In this series Mark Smith of DC Partners (Solutions) Pty Ltd sets the scene and discusses those villains or possible villains that we'll be discussing throughout the remainder of Season 1 and subsequent seasons.
Season 1, Episode 6 will focus on:
00:00 - Start, opening music 00:14 - Intro from Mark Smith
00:27 - contact details
00:37 - Personal chat with Mark Smith, what Mark Smith's been up to and what's been happening with the Many R's Podcast
01:00 - Reflections on the Covid World and opportunities
01:25 - End of Law Degree studies and personal reflections
03:36 - outline of show contents
03:45 - more on show contents
03:57 - Bunnings Gift Cards
04:08 - Matthew James Taunton - MBO Estates / Abel Agencies Box Hill
04:20 - Hakan Kutup
04:22 - Mahony Law / John Mahony & Law Cover plus Ralph Paligaru and Amreeta Paligaru
04:40 - Mohan Kumar
04:45 - Philip Beazley, Greg Walker, Karen Vee Walker
05:00 - Automotive sector
05:43 - Franchising
05:58 - Receivers
06:06 - Caernarvon Cherry, Bonny Glen Fruits, Fiona & Bernard Hall of Biteriot Operations
06:16 - DCP Capital
06:26 - DCP Capital - tax debt lending
06:36 - Corporations Law and Company insolvency lending
07:36 - Lightspeed Mortgage Management
08:24 - Sydney & Orange offices
08:44 - DCP Capital - Orange Development fund and forthcoming information memorandum
09:04 - Look ahead to S1E7.
10:24 - Credits
To share this video: https://youtu.be/t3SAWQaqWks
In this series Mark Smith of DC Partners (Solutions) Pty Ltd sets the scene and discusses those villains or possible villains that we'll be discussing throughout the remainder of the Season and subsequent seasons.
Season 1 will focus on:
Real estate - including agents and developers. Miscellaneous other bad players in society Corporate Villains Travel rip-offs Government / malfeasance Iffy lawyers / shyster Insurance racketeer / Banks Receivers, Liquidators and Administrators
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S01E06 podcast - transcript
season 1 episode 6 of the many R's podcast welcome back it is uh wednesday the 16th of june 2021, my sister's birthday, and i'm in uh freezing cold orange right at the moment but uh i'm as happy as larry and i look forward to telling you about that right now got any questions give us a call 1-300-327-123 or go to our website uh bottom right-hand corner uh dc partners dot solutions and uh click on the uh instant chat message thank you what a rusty introduction i'm very very sorry um it's been a long time now i have been i've had probably the busiest uh few months in my life and today is wednesday the 16th of june 2021.
uh it is uh the afternoon i'm in orange at our new house actually believe it or not um we uh we're we're covid uh uh were covid safe out here and um look this covid thing has been wonderful and in lots of ways um and it's it's meant it's freed up all sorts of reasons why uh you don't need to be in sydney you don't need to be in a capital city uh with the online world so here we are um at orange uh in my new studio and um my new home office and in studio and i'm looking out there's snow out the window uh it's it's melted but uh it was snowing here uh several days ago and our property's actually called snowgums so it's been absolutely wonderful and why is it being wonderful well two days ago um one of the biggest events in my life uh came one of one of the biggest chapters in my life actually came to an end i've been studying a thing called a juris doctor which is a postgraduate law degree uh it's a masters uh 24 um subjects um i'm a busy boy uh you know i've got an mba i've got uh businesses and uh been running litigation funding uh for a range of different people um and uh i'm a busy busy boy and i started in i think it was like the 17th of february 2014. i'm extremely privileged, i'm definitely white i'm middle-aged i'm male and i've been on a commonwealth supported place since um which is a which is a code for a subsidised law degree at THE best university well arguably the best university in australia and it has been a sensational sensational ride and i'm just so privileged and i know i'm privileged so um and apart from being white male and middle-aged and all that, we're in a great part of the world and you know i'm just bubbling and enthusing with um happiness i uh i felt a huge relief um at the end of my studies and uh i was writing a 4000 word uh essay on the inviolability of the person uh which is very interesting and i'm happy to you know share with anyone or talk about it 1-300-327-123 i just couldn't be happier so um i've got uh well we've got a very interesting program it's just like a bit of a catch-up program and we're not going to do our next episode until well we're still in sydney so we're partly in sydney and we're partly in orange and um uh well it's out of orange there you go but um uh we're we're on mount canobolas to be precise so uh have a look biggest mountain between sydney and uh perth it's about 1 300m, we're about one thousand meters above the sea level 1,004m there you go 1004m above sea level so that's like Katoomba and it is just a sensational beautiful place and um we're coming here on you know at the end of june 2021 we're moving we're um we're keeping a base in sydney and uh we're gonna spend a lot of time up here and there's so many uh sort of interesting work options out here and uh look we'll talk about some of those throughout the program so um this particular episode i hope you enjoyed it's a bit different uh it's been a while and i apologize i have i am a bit rusty uh but um let's see how we go so what are we gonna talk about today well we've got some we've got some new villains um to talk about we've got some old villains who are coming back and uh let's um well there's the phone okay well we'll cut a break there. okay well on the show today uh we're going to i mentioned we've got some old and some new villains sorry there's the camera we've got some old and some new villains so um
well this is going to surprise you, bunnings i've uh i'll just run through the topics and then we'll we'll do a more detailed dive into them so bunnings and their gift cards this is uh property in the property area we're going to catch up on a new villain we've got a new mate called matthew james taunton from um his business was called mbo estates um uh it's now known as Abel Agency uh they're out at the box hill in in sydney we're going to catch up on hakan qatar got some news there uh Mahony law and john mahony and lore cover we're going to talk on about them we're going to catch up on the latest on ralph paligaru we're not going to go too much into that because we'll just give a general update we're not going to talk about specific cases and we're certainly not going to prejudice any cases but we'll just have a quick update on the comings and goings of ralph paligaru um and Amreeta um um. Mohan Kumar. we'll touch on him. philip beazley now he's a lawyer john mahony is a lawyer as well but we've got phillip beazley who's a lawyer for ah greg walker, so just very quickly we're not going to slander anyone here but we're going to quickly catch up on gregory uh john walker and karen v walker um. we've got an automotive um page a very good friend of mine is uh in the automotive business and um the automotive money lending business to be precise and uh some of you may know, i ruffled some feathers uh i um uh i wrote something and uh anyway i've got a tiny reaction so but uh look there's there's definitely smoke when you when you see smoke well there's some often fire well there's a lot of smoke here so uh we're going to we'll touch on about our website as well we're doing some major revamp this is the benefit of finishing my law degree we'll get heaps of time now so we can um uh sort of spend time getting some of these things right so yes there's a motor dealers and an automotive page so we're we're very interested in shonky's um in that uh in that line of business um. franchising um this is this is really uh what my uh my letter sort of touched a raw nerve wow. um okay but uh well we're specifically talking about some changes to the franchise codes um i'll give you links um in a moment uh we'll very briefly touch on receivers um well liquidators and receivers are very quickly there we've got a little bit of news on our on our on our dear friends from Caernarvon Cherry and Bonny glen bernard and fiona hall um and uh. in the money business well we're actually uh we've been doing some litigation funding for quite some time and so we are very very interested in the money space and uh our website you'll see that um especially we're certainly going to do something last year on tax debt lending um but uh watch this space because um we are very interested in in that and uh having just completed my law degree i did a lot of stuff on corporations law and um so the the tax debt uh lending is is more for company lending so um we've got a um we've got a business called dcp capital which we'll talk about and there'll be links in our website but uh uh coming out of covid and i'm sorry if that sounded insensitive i said that covid had been great uh it's obviously been terrible and dreadful but um it's um it's changed the world uh there's no doubt about that and uh coming out of it for better and worse um but uh coming out of it um uh well some some businesses um need help. so um you might wonder why do we do these blogs and um well we're interested in people and we're interested in you know people getting a fair crack and all the rest and um there's many many businesses that um it's now the 16th of june 2021.
i have no doubt that there'll be a lot of activity with um our friends at the tax office and uh you know someone's going to pay for the um you know the virus and uh generally that's going to be done through the tax system in some way so we want to help people sort of meet their obligations um and so we've got a new product there. but in the money space we've got a um a company that has come to our attention called lightspeed lightspeed mortgage management i think they're called and i'll put up some links to lightspeed and i stumbled across this particular article i'm going to put a link to it is it's very interesting i i um a friend of a friend
did some borrowing from well actually didn't do the borrowing they got offered a loan from light speed but uh there were light speed in sending out the the court papers and uh
i'll put up we'll put up some information about these um these documents they're quite stunning and this is we'll explain how i speak to business and we'll put in a link to the particular article that they caught my eye about lightspeed um and as i said we're doing some work on our website now we are relocating um from sydney (to Orange) but we're keeping a branch in sydney um and uh and i'll certainly spend about four days a fortnight in sydney um and so what would that be about seven or eight days uh fortnight in orange and in the regions and getting work done uh so that i can come to sydney and um uh but you know there's all sorts of opportunities oh sorry and back in orange um uh under our dcp capital arm uh there are some very very very good development opportunities so we're putting together some funds some of you may know we had a litigation fund uh so we're putting together some property funds and so there's some very interesting uh there's a information memorandum coming out in a few weeks so as i said this bit of a catch-up episode now we'll get into the bunning situation. well it's now actually the 2nd of july 2021, and um look for one reason or another we're going to put all this content into uh episode 7 but uh we'll just use this episode (episode 6) as a bit of a catch-up and uh i hope you enjoyed it so far um we talked about uh why they've been a huge delay for a couple of months between the last episode i think episode 5 we've just also published episode 4 um so look uh it's been a hugely hugely busy time for me uh finishing studies um started in 2014 in february 2014 finishing those studies moving um place and you know in the last couple of days sydney's gone into the lockdown uh so the timing probably uh really couldn't be well it's it's terrible that the lockdown is very unfortunate but um uh getting out of sydney and at least for uh you know one at least the work part of the time out here in orange is you know a real opportunity so um we thought it was best to just publish the um this particular episode and then we'll go on to season 1 episode 7 and we'll talk about the bunning scam the uh catch up on some of our new and um emerging and some of our older villains uh which we'll talk about in you know in much greater detail so uh tune in very very soon we're going to start recording uh season 1 episode 7 very soon and uh that should hopefully be up in the next few days thanks very much, bye.
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