41 min read
Unveiling the Secrets: John Mahony, the Multi-Skilled Lawyer - Many R's Podcast 1E5S
Mark Smith
30 March 2021 1:29:07 PM

Many R's Podcast - S01E05 for more information and indepth villain profiles - visit our webpage
To share this video: https://youtu.be/s1UAVaWYiok
In this series Mark Smith of DC Partners (Solutions) Pty Ltd sets the scene and discusses those villains or possible villains that we'll be discussing throughout the remainder of Season 1 and subsequent seasons.
Public interest
The purpose of this podcast is not to ridicule or defame. Despite the light hearted manner of the presentation, the podcast is necessary to ventilate serious issues in the public interest. Mr. Mahony is on the roll of solicitors of the NSW Supreme Court and represents a number of persons including Ralph Paligaru purports to have connections to people in high public offices in Fiji – Cabinet Ministers having, he claims, attended Marist College as a Schoolboy in Fiji where he has said that he formed relationships with persons later coming to occupy, as I mentioned, high public offices in Fiji. It is believed that some of these connections include to persons within the Reserve Bank of Fiji, Fiji Hardwood Corporation and a number of Government Departments.
It is believed therefore that some of this profile and other blog materials may be of public interest to those trading with persons and dealing with government officials, in some instances, in Fiji as well as interest to foreign persons providing aid, trade or other support to Fiji.
This profile may also be of interest to Australians – Australia contributes a substantial sum of aid to Fiji and naturally as a sovereign nation we have an interest in the good governance of the Country of Fiji – one of our closest neighbours together with an interest in efficient and proper utilisation of Australia’s Aid provided to Fiji.
Regrettably, Fiji, it is reported, has a problem with corruption along with other countries within the region.
This profile and other blog materials and article may also be in the public interest of persons from or interested in India.
The public interest of Australia may also be involved – Ralph and his former employer (discussed on this blog, a man named Mohan Kumar) lobbied and received Australian Visa’s and other legitimate benefits from officials and public office holders in Australia.
It is a matter of public record that Mr. Mahony has also represented Mohan Kumar.

Season 1, Episode 5 will focus on:
The John Mahony catchup episode:
0:00 Start - intro music
0:30 introduction
5:40 background - dealings with John Mahony
25:10 conversation and commentary
1:05:36 wrap up
1:06:47 credits
To share this video: https://youtu.be/s1UAVaWYiok
In this series Mark Smith of DC Partners (Solutions) Pty Ltd sets the scene and discusses those villains or possible villains that we'll be discussing throughout the remainder of the Season and subsequent seasons.
Season 1 will focus on:
Real estate - including agents and developers. Miscellaneous other bad players in society Corporate Villains Travel rip-offs Government / malfeasance Iffy lawyers / shyster Insurance racketeer / Banks Receivers, Liquidators and Administrators
#5r #5rpodcast #marksmith #manyrspodcast #ManyRs
Ralph's timber mill - Dreketi
The below transcript indicates that Ralph has funds to buy the Dreketi Timber Mill but is unable to meet his monthly obligations.
Here are some recent photos of Dreketi Timber Mill operated by Ralph's company.
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dreketi mill
S01E05 podcast - transcript
rogues rascals reviewables rorts rip-offs receivers real estate agents and much much more a whole bunch of R. welcome to season one episode five of the many R's podcast i'm your presenter mark smith of dc partner solutions and we'd love to hear from you come and join us on our website www.dcpartners.solutions/podcast
well g'day mark smith here it's uh monday the 29th of march it's been a very productive couple of months and uh very unique time so that australia's in at the moment and now is certainly no exception um happy new year if we haven't spoken to you this year it's i'm not quite sure where we've been up to we've been meaning to do an episode or two and we've had loads and loads of um uh content and um i've actually been a busy boy uh still studying uh wrapping up my law degree and just started on what's called practical legal training which is
keeping me very busy let's put it that way so it's been a very busy time and but please don't think we've forgotten you um i actually talked to the ceo of a company the other day uh he'll know who he is and um uh he was yeah he was saying he'd missed my blogs so um i found that very inspiring so uh you know who you are um well it's this episode is dedicated to one man one man and um i'll put up a picture in a moment i'll make sure that you uh get the idea um he's a wonderful man uh he's a uh he's a very experienced lawyer uh he overheard him telling someone that he'd been a lawyer uh since before that boy i'm sorry before that lawyer was was a boy uh and he wasn't talking to me i'm not a lawyer okay um not yet uh studying uh i'm a student and um you never know one day uh but this bloke like certainly says i shouldn't be one so uh when he when he talks uh i'm sure the whole world listens uh this is a lawyer that um he's multi-skilled uh he's he's very much multi-skilled uh and we've got an unbelievable well i said unbelievable you must believe it okay you might find it hard to believe some of the stuff uh that you're going to hear uh look i say these things on threat that um if i say something that's untrue and uh well if you say something that's true generally that's a defense to defamation if i say uh ivan milat you're a terrible murderer well he couldn't sue me because uh he is in fact a terrible murderer and he's dead but um and so i say various things on threat that that hey i might be sued um well but if i say something that's true or or it's substantially true uh then you know that's that's quite a defense so uh the things that i'm going to say when i say he's a multi-skilled person and uh and all the rest uh you might find slightly hard some of these things slightly difficult to believe but i'm relying on the fact that what i'm telling you is true it is uh entirely true so we're going to talk about a man called john mahony and this is a man who i first had dealings with in 2017 so um he
he's not someone that's new to me i've kept many thousands of emails uh you know um and i've got lots and lots of details i'm a very patient person as um as some people know and anyway without any further ado we're going to get into the story of john mahony and his wonderful clients uh which include craig adams uh ralph paligaru uh amreta paligaru mohan kumar uh some people might know mohan kumar by another name but we'll just refer to him as mohan kumar bargo developments now that was a one-time customer as well as well paid some bills anyway uh golden arrow international proprietary limited. there's so many customers and this man is a genius he's a genius the way he can manage all the conflicts and look after all the different interests of all the different people all at the one time simultaneously his i just can't put it any more clearly this is a man with 40 years experience
or is he a man with one year experience 40 times? i don't know i'm not experienced enough to say but i know he's been around for a long time let's put it that way mr mahony's been around for a very very long time he's uh a student uh he studied in 1975 i believe uh when uh i might have been in kindergarten he was uh he was out there at law school uh and uh paving the way and he's had some all sorts of different life experiences uh look i would like to say something very nice and genuine and sincere uh mr mahony is a carer uh he is actually a carer for a uh uh for probably a very nice lady i've never i've never met her but uh his wife is um someone that's uh uh well he cares for her so i congratulate him on that
and that might be the last nice thing i say about him but look i'm sure he's uh
look i think we should get into the story so we're going to turn over now and consider the uh circumstances of mr mahony and his wonderful law practice mahony law or mahony law at baulkham hills uh we're going to review a relationship that we've had with a guy called john mahony, mahony law at baulkham hills in new south wales and um also we're going to consider the relationship between ourselves and a couple of persons um called including bargo developments proprietary limited mohan kumar ralph paligaru craig adams and amreeta paligaru and reliance leasing proprietary limited um it's uh it's a long story uh it is a long story and uh this has gone on and on and on and on and on and uh it really i won't say it started uh with a loan to ralph paligaru but i come in in a loan had been given to ralph paligaru interest free interest-free uh not a bad set of terms um for one year from over a hundred thousand dollars from about um august 2016 and uh i came in i became involved in maybe july late july to august 2017 and uh at the time i was doing some work for a company called reliance leasing uh reliance leasing is the lender ralph paligaru is the borrower and uh look the previous year ralph um had ralph still is today 28th of march he's still the power of attorney for a bloke called mohan kumar and um normally when you're a power of attorney uh the um document says uh you can't benefit um you can't um you can you can't uh say sell the um the person's uh the grantors they're called uh the person that grants the power you can't sell their assets say to your wife yeah ralph didn't do that but you couldn't do that and secretly benefit uh you're there as a uh like a trustee i suppose um there to represent the uh interests of this mr kumar now it turns out in about october 2016 2015. i mean uh 2015 um uh the power of attorney is granted martin kumar hops on a plane at sydney uh gets off the plane at denpasar where police are waiting for him and uh i don't know who known kumar is i've never met him but um the police are waiting for him and uh this this bloke kumar is allegedly another person he's got allegedly another name and uh mohan kumar is taken off to india extradited and uh it's 20 21 he still sits there in jail uh they say he's uh the indian authorities say i don't know this bloke is someone else um and um i don't know i've never met him but um anyway we'll see so ralph uh borrow some money a pair of attorneys granted kumar hops on a plane uh ralph then uh puts a piece of land up for sale 632 old northern road, dural and um he was he was supposed to do that and he did so along comes craig adams and uh you beauty craig adams um this is in early 2016. um craig adams uh says how about we buy 632 old northern road? i've got a great i've got a great idea says craig uh having a bite off you for um five and a half million dollars and uh his one and a half million down payment and you lend me the rest so um great idea great idea not um dennis english uh he's a lawyer he's a sydney-based lawyer uh tells ralph uh hey buddy don't do this this is a really really poor idea uh it's not gonna work uh tells him it's i'm going from memory but uh uses words like fatally flawed it'll never happen um and uh it'll never happen meaning the other $4m million bucks will never be paid ralph in his wisdom uh mr mr dennis english says this is such a bad deal i'm having nothing to do with it. good on you dennis english great guy so um no seriously uh. sound advice so as it turned out uh the other $4m million bucks did not get paid maybe some of it got paid a little bit but not the other $4m million bucks is still outstanding now johnny i'm not saying he had anything to do with that part um this is uh the sale happens in about the 26th of may 2016. uh i'm not saying john mahony had anything to do with that but august 2016 a loan is granted by uh reliance leasing uh $115,000 or thereabouts to ralph interest free for one year so off you go ralph there you go free money for a year um and as i said i came in in well actually i came in in march of 2017 i get a call from uh reliance leasing saying oh can you help this bloke can you go and see him he's got a few worries he can't sleep at night um so i go and see one early early one morning i think it was the 27th of march 2017 i wander over to 88 perfection avenue, stanhope gardens and that's the day i first meet ralph and i and he tells me the story he met this um met this chap called craig adams uh handed him the title deeds to this piece of land for $5.5m
million bucks and received the grand sum of $1.5m million dollars so um i i didn't quite believe this so i asked ralph again so tell me where precisely is the deeds he's given them he's given the title due to the land to craig adams and and got $1.5m million bucks back on a piece of land that's worth $5.5 million
so um look in my background uh i've worked for knight frank i've
bought and sold you know some real estate uh had an MBA at this point i'm actually studying law uh and what i'm hearing is not quite sounding correct so um and at that time i've worked for reliance leasing in finance and some other companies registering mortgages and you know helping out with some enforcement things uh and it i was studying uh real property at sydney uni at that particular time so uh it was obvious to me that um ralph who's at this time the power of attorney for mr kumar, mr kumar has a significant problem uh his power of attorneys handed over the title deeds to solid gold real estate at um 632 old northern road dural to this guy craig adams uh and uh is out the door underwater for $4m
million bucks plus interest um so um it seems like a problem my immediate idea is how about we at the very least go register a caveat? make sure that the situation doesn't get any worse so um i know nothing about what ralph's really up to at this point until july or august 2017 and at that point uh the loan had already been uh granted in 2016 from reliance leasing (to ralph)and there was another party that was demanding money back from ralph and his wife uh that had loaned ralph money at least i'm going from memory here um uh well they had loaned money to from craig adams, bargo developments possibly a company called golden arrow proprietary limited who own a big development site in worrywood when i say big we're talking $15m million bucks and another borrower borrowers were ralph and his wife and ralph didn't tell me this in march 2017 but uh i find out in july that um ralph uh had guaranteed craig adams's borrowings at this time i think it's in the order of about $340,000? um yes i think that sounds right about $340,000. give or take
now i don't know whether john manny advised on that i can't say but i do know come to late july uh garry steinberg asks ralph uh to start paying interest on his interest free loan so ralph's interest-free loan from august 2016 onwards it was a one-year deal it was interest-free for a year provide you pay back but after a year then the interest kicks in and um he's less generous so it's it's about 17-18 percent per annum, still not extreme for a second or third mortgage but um but the interest free terms are over so um cut a long story short i don't know if i can uh i don't know if i can cut a long story short but um
is this sounding convoluted to you um?
so what does ralph do he goes and sees john mahony and here john mahony does start acting and uh at this point john mahony is doing work for the bill is going to craig adams so there is some john mahony prepares a deed that uh involves craig adams ralph paligaru amreeta paligaru and a brand new company like it had been set up for one two maybe three days called dural alliances proprietary limited and uh here john mahony does get involved uh and on top of this um i later find out that um at this very time um john mahony is a lawyer or mohan kumar so think about this 632 old northern road dural kumar's a seller ralph is his power of attorney and the purchaser is craig adams craig adams puts down $1.5m million dollars mohan kumar gives craig adams a $4m million dollar loan and john mahony come august 17 is doing legal work for mohan kumar ralph paligaru, amreeta, craig adams bargo and
whether he's doing work for craig adams, bargo and um golden arrow i can't say but i can say that craig adams bargo and golden arrow are paying the bill and uh john at john mahony uh prepares a deed and this dude gives ralph an interest in
certainly in the uh warriewood site with 14 15 million dollars uh i believe it also gave him a direct capital interest in mr kumar's land and mr kumar is the grantor of the power of attorney and later uh ralph and amreeta in both their names do go and put a caveat on the dural land for the money that they've lent to craig adams so uh in august this is a little bit convoluted i get that but in august 2017 to pay out 340 around about 340 000 that ralph's under pressure for here he rolls over the reliance leasing line or he doesn't pay it it is due in payable he doesn't pay it and um and he stops paying well he wasn't paying interest for the first year and at that point he doesn't pay any more interest and come 2021 he's paid no interest uh on a one-year deal from 2016 to 17 we're now 2021 and he still hasn't paid any interest and claims not to be insulted but um ralph borrow so that that loan's not getting paid out but another loan that is under pressure uh that was given to um as i said to golden arrow um i mean it's just unbelievable um i i need to probably show the relationships here
john mahony is advising and uh ralph goes and borrows 540 000 guaranteed by himself his wife and dural alliance he borrows 540 000 at an interest rate of wait for it 6% per month so garry steinberg's lending him a hundred thousand interest-free which then goes to 18 per annum uh ralph borrows 540 000 at 6% interest a month now it's three percent if it's paid on time but six percent a month if you don't pay it on time so you you do the math we're talking about $30k something thousand dollars per month that's not the principle that's just the interest so um john mahony uh does this prepares this dude and i can show you the invoice i can show you the emails he doesn't register a caveat on um on the warriewood property eventually ralph doesn't get paid paid back the 540 000. someone else jumps the queue and they're one of our friends that we've been talking about on this blog called apg australasian property group uh the director is a Maya Purushothaman i can't say her surname it begins with p, Maya Purushothaman and ian jordan curiously today 2021 ralph has a company in fiji with and jordan
um trading in timber
uh so ralph somehow forgives them forgets? i don't know but uh anyway johnny mahony does not register the caveat but in the process of um sorry i'll explain ralph um mahony doesn't register a caveat for ralph for this 540 thousand dollars that he's buried at six percent interest per month he doesn't register the caveat on
the warriewood property nor on 632 old northern road dural but john mahony does lift a caveat that mohan kumar the one that i put on uh in about the 27th of march 2017. john mahony only lifts that and uh well what happens from there well you skip a few steps i i'm telling you this is ridiculous but you skip a few steps and
the $4m million bucks the $4m million dollars that kumar loaned to craig adams uh come july 2019 uh is i'll put it nicely plundered um by a whole bunch of people uh yeah i walked away with some of that money myself uh and i say i had a legal right to it and i had a registered security but a whole heap of other people to the tune of about 1.7 million ended up with money that um uh according to an affidavit of john mahony they weren't entitled that's according to mr money so mr mahony says that these people winning title mr mahony also does say in fairness that i wasn't entitled yet he was not disagreeable to uh me walking out with close to $200,000 um from this mediation in say july 2019. so uh poor old mr kumar as uh john mahony client uh and ralph is his power of attorney uh poor mr kumar is is in a bad way so that's part of the backstory it's it's long and i don't expect everyone to be able to take it in but it is complex but uh there we have it so um there's many other bits in between 2017 and 2021. many many but um and none of them are happy very few of them are happy and none of them are very good for mr kumar so oh
reliance leasing still hasn't got their money back um and the people that ralph borrowed money from at six percent a month come uh about 2018 or i think yeah about 2018. um probably about july 2018 uh they sort of want it back and they never got it back from the warriewood sale because australasian property group jumped the queue mr mahony uh did the deed in august 2017 but for some reason waited until maybe he was instructed maybe he wasn't i don't know but uh mr mahony what we do know is that mr mahony had the capital interest in the warriewood property in august and he did uh put a caveat on the warriewood property in about november 2017 so that's sort of light years possibly and it's long enough to be postponed and in the end ralph never got back his 540 thousand dollars that he borrowed um in august 2017 and reliance is still waiting for their money because uh for a long many many reasons uh a withdrawal of cave it was given to mahony in early august 2017 and what i can say safely is that it was used. now what is in debate and you can go to my website and you can look at the cross claim uh reliance claims that they withdrew the authority to use that uh caveat and that there are text messages to that effect
but what we know is that it was handed over uh by john mahony so john i held the withdrawal of taken and john mahony handed it over in circumstances where there were certainly text messages saying no there needs to be extra security and um
i have to tread carefully because mr mahony a lawyer and it's certainly written to me saying uh i've said vile and disgusting things about him i've actually put them into affidavits so that's a different thing so look maybe what i can say is uh my affidavit uh annexes copies of text messages saying do not use this withdrawal of caveat uh because uh the loan to valuation ratio is unacceptably high in other words there's no equity uh reliance claim to have withdrawn the mahony authority to use that but it's still used anyway so that's part of what the fight is about um from august 2017. now march 2021 uh this is just going on and on so uh on the 9th of february 2021, uh six weeks ago uh i'm sitting in a coffee shop with mr steinberg who is the director of uh reliance leasing uh he has at this point uh well before this he's assigned the debt that ralph owed to reliance he's assigned that to me and some litigation happened a deed was um was struck (March 2020). ralph signed it
the deed wasn't complied with i got a judgment from the supreme court of new south wales about the 11th of september 2020 and um on about the 17th of september 2020 uh the bankruptcy notice a bankruptcy notice and the judgment were uh handed over to ralph he was served a bankruptcy notice and so um we get a phone call i'm sitting next to garry steinberg he at this point has sold the debt uh assigned it to me in september 19. and litigation has gone on deeds have ended have been entered uh judgments have been given bankruptcy notices have been served and for some reason john only doesn't ring me who is the owner of this debt he rings
the former owner the former owner he rings the former owner i can say uh john mahony has sent emails to the former owner mr steinberg in late - correction late 2017 - telling him to the effect oh you better make mark smith go away or you'll be implicated now john mahony as i said a lawyer for 40 years is using words saying if if you don't make mark smith go away you'll be implicated implicated implicated in what um well have a look at what the word implicated means but it has a specific uh meaning and john mahony as a lawyer ought to know precisely what that means and it's not herarsay this is uh these the word implicated is used in emails true from john mahony to garry steinberg saying you know more or less if mark smith doesn't uh to quote john mahony uh if if mark smith doesn't pull his effing head in uh you'll be implicated uh garry you'll be implicated so i'm not sure what the uh former owner can do come the 9th of february 2021 but let's have a listen to a conversation that john mahony says never happened
all right we're going to now have a listen to a conversation that apparently never took place uh and we'll listen to this and we'll also as we're going through this we'll note the parts of the email between mr between myself and mr mahony and uh and his reply uh and noticing his reply he replies back to the legal services commissioner (OLSC)of new south wales so that's that's the person that gives a lawyer here's um his ticket uh john mahony his ticket um now i will apologize uh the start the very first 20 seconds or so of the uh the recording uh is not present um it wasn't recorded uh it certainly started with um uh which i heard uh started with the words grim uh john mahony when he rings uh garry steinberg refers to uh gary as 'grim' which uh is short for grim reaper hey grim reaper um do us a favor so on this particular day uh john mahony had been threatening a lawsuit against um garry and his company reliance leasing give me mine gary gary sold his debt uh uh in uh september 2019 and this is uh on the ninth of february uh john mahony threatening to sue gary for a loan that he sold like 18 months before so let's have a listen to the audio and um and you can also have a look at we'll go through mr mahony reply uh when he says various things like oh no i didn't say that um let's and we might stop this at various points now i apologize the first 30 seconds or so is not very good quality but we do provide a transcript as well so um that will be available and you can probably see the transcript on the bottom of the screen here in youtube listen away
… wrote. Its assigned to Smith. And he’s now suing Ralph.
Right ….
That being the case, we’ve got no choice other than to sue you because you haven’t paid Smith the money that you’ve agreed to lend to Ralph to get rid of the debt.
So, I don’t want to do that, obviously, so- …. Now thats John Mahony talking
in long sentences and gary's uh i'm sitting right next door to uh to gary like you know a couple of feet maybe uh i've got very good hearing i've got i can hear let's continue
Mahony: um- can you get Smith to pull his f’ing head in and voluntarily agree to set aside the judgment and bankruptcy notice?
Garry: yeah so that's gary oh sorry john had just talked and gary said yeah okay so keep going so this is a conversation and it did happen on the 9th of uh february i apologize this we were in a cafe um i'll keep going. Garry: okay when i spoke to mark last time he wanted to see if ralph was going to start making any payment because nothing's happened all our copies of abuse from his daughter the deed was uh done in the 11th of march 2020, ralph was required to start making payments of around about 2 000 a month from 30 days after when he sold his property so he went and sold his property uh this is what he wanted he went to the court to get permission to do this and and the court gave him that permission uh he and from may 2020
the house settled about the 3rd of may maybe the 4th so 30 days after that is the
say the early june we started to draw the direct debits ralph gave signed a direct debit authority uh so we're entitled my company is entitled to be drawing those and let's continue and none of these direct debits are being paid so that's from june and this conversation happens in february the next year and this is on top of the period from 17 to 2021 there hasn't been any money paid at all uh not the the interest installments so this is not the usual conduct you have with a home loan let's continue gary was just talking about the conversation the abusive conversation uh he had received from ralph's daughter, mind you she's texting me at midnight on a saturday night as well so yeah did you hear about that? No, no. okay i won't even bore you with it um and i think once that happens we get him on an established payment regime we could probably do something for that but mark smith said to me that he didn't think ralph was ever going to pay.
Well, uh that’s- why would he then proceed to bankrupt him because that then releases Ralph from his debt?
no it doesn't if you bankrupt a person uh it means they are completely replaced all their assets are vested in a trustee in bankruptcy and uh you'll make it here believe it or not that ralph's out there trying to buy a timber mill he can't find two thousand dollars a month but he's out there buying a timber mill in fiji uh so john, i don't quite follow your logic um there's a difference between wanting to pay and being obliged to pay and i don't think john's quite picking up on that uh so he says well why would i bankrupt ralph ralph's not paying ralph refuses to pay yet he's out there trying to buy timber mills
why would you spend money to bring about what he- what he thinks is actually the case? Whilstever Ralph stay solvent theres a chance that he will pay…uh
Whilst ever Ralph stay solvent? that's interesting does route does john mahony think that ralph is solvent?
if he is solvent then why isn't he paying his monthly installments?
ah okay sorry some another light bulb's just gone on
Garry: yeah well i wanted to stay solvent too
yeah- well i mean otherwise-otherwise- what is the story between you and Smith as regards that money?
Smith didn’t lend it Ralph, you lent it to Ralph.
Smith is now claiming it as his own.
I mean- you aren’t getting 5 cents to the dollar from Smith or something are you?
Garry: my arrangement is that um anything over 90 days in arrears i sell to mark and then he collects and we have an arrangement on the settlement side so that's what happened with ralph because it was like 12 months in arrears he took over the debt which i
12 months that's wishful thinking i took it over in uh i took it over in uh september 19
this had been granted in august 16.
uh so that i'll make that about three years
i signed i did assign a lot of the documentation to him
i don't think there was any doubt that you assigned the debt to him. he did
Mahony: and gave him the right to put his own caveat on Ralph’s house before Ralph’s house was sold. And ofcourse when everybody entered into that deed in March last year everyone thought the house was going to be loud noise for about $1.4m
no the only people that thought that was john mahony and and ralph paligaru we'd seen valuations that was worth 1.225 and it sold for $1.215m john mahony he's not an expert in property we used valuers and everyone thought it was worth 1.4 i don't think so
Mahony: and that was about the time that was the start of Covid - that was about the time the bottom fell out of the market, one of the mark up um half a day sold for 1.2 therefore the everyone then knew at settlement that the deed that had been signed 2 months before couldn’t be complied with because …
Ralph signed it. John Mahony advised on it. Not everyone knew that it couldn't be complied with. Ah, we'd complied.
there wasn’t going to be $65,000 coming from the sale. In fact Ralph had to pay money from his own pocket to make the sale happen.
So he had a negative result as opposed to a positive result. Smith and everyone knew that,
Smith cooperated and eventually after screwing 8000 bucks away to the agent, Smith handed over the withdrawal of the caveat.
And then, on that basis of um he um he knew exactly what was going on.
And then there was various conversations between you and Ralph and Smith about the so-called bullsh*t agreement that he put together in Fiji- some heads of agreement something- and then eventually
various conversations. let's just various conversations john mahony says this is on the 9th of february 2021. 9th of february 2021. there was various conversations let's just go back this is very very critical because we're going to have a look at ralph's uh affidavit and he says nothing about the various conversations he just says there was a moment where ralph was so uh had something put in front of him take it or leave it let's just go back and we'll re-listen to that about various conversations this is john mahony own words that were various conversations see if you hear it
Mahony: on that basis of um he um he knew exactly what was going on. And then there was various conversations between you and Ralph and Smith about the so-called bullsh*t agreement that he put together in Fiji- some heads of agreement something- and then eventually on the 26th of May there was a loan agreement which says very clearly that its the money thats required to pay out the loan that has been assigned to Smith.
The logic …
so there was various, various conversations so there wasn't just take it or leave it conversation there was various conversations now john mahony has obligations and we'll we'll have a look here let's let's just go to this various conversations um uh on 10th of uh february uh he …. there's a conv there's references to tim who's a lawyer but there's he calls me a homewrecker. it's my fault it's my fault that uh ralph went and borrowed money at six percent a month and lost his family home i mean it's very sad but um it's my fault i'm a home wrecker uh this is the uh correspondence from john mahony office on the 12th so i wrote to him on the sixth it says you call me a terrorist
you said i'm a home wrecker and a terrorist who will never be admitted to practice law wow um
and look there's a whole bunch of conversations he he says uh i accuse him of saying tim i accuse mahony of saying tim is as much a a-hole as me and um mahony who's a lawyer is talking to garry steinberg who is someone else's client the client of tim horne and the topic of this email is various further direct contact and threats the threats are well we're going to sue you uh you've already heard that right back at the very beginning of this conversation that we've heard uh he says that you know we're going to have to sue you and he's now talking about he's just about to talk on this tape about this sham uh loan document the date of the 26th of may 2020 um to pay up me. of which i received zero dollars and zero cents in reply uh mr and this is the the important bit is here about the various conversations mr mahony in the transcripts three weeks before ralph signs this uh affidavit says what i just what you just heard and then there were various conversations between you and ralph about this so-called bullsh!t agreement some heads of agreement
various conversations now did i photo i don't think you can photoshop audio but did your ears not hear that i don't know um
look, dealing with others make any statements grossly uh you know it's repeatedly threatened my (future) practicing certificate uh communicating with other people's clients like tim's clients. once you know that uh if you're a lawyer once you know that someone else is acting for a particular person and uh mahony knew
18 months before and this is this is not the first conversation solicitor have a look at this this is a great rule this one these are rules from the australian solicitors conduct rules a solicitor must not must not must not doesn't leave a lot of room for wriggling must not advise or suggest a witness that to us to witness that ralph's witness he must not advise or suggest to a witness that false or misleading evidence should be given now i'm not saying that uh i'm not saying that mahony suggested that false evidence be given i'm not suggesting that but here's the clincher nor condone another person doing so (e.g. Ralph doing so).
so a solicitor must not condone another person suggesting to a witness that false or misleading evidence should be given
mr mahony knew that there was various conversations and we'll go to the affidavit of the 2nd of march. um is he condoning false material in ralph's affidavit? i don't know? i mean this is all part of a complaint responsible use of the court process frankness a solicitor must not deceive or knowingly or recklessly mislead the
a solicitor representing a client that is before the court must not act as a mere mouthpiece
and must and must exercise forensic judgment during the course during the case independently after the appropriate consideration of the clients and the instructing solicitors so our friend mr mahony he's not just the mouthpiece of ralph paligaru he has to must must exercise the forensic judgment during the case independently so yes he's the lawyer, he still must exercise forensic judgment and according to mr mahony. oh he must be open and frank in his dealings with the legal services commissioner the solicitor must furnish in writing a full and accurate account of his or her conduct in relation to the matter.
can't wait can't wait to see the full and accurate account of his conduct.
after he got my email he he then wrote to the he wrote back to me and copied it to the legal services commissioner saying yes indeed this is a matter that the legal services commissioner should investigate and then he goes on and he he replies and says uh no i never uh the comments attributed to me were not made they weren't made he never said anything about various conversations uh i was not aware tim horne acts for reliance really? i mean wait until you hear what he says tim's a as big an a-hole he can't have mediation
and yet the rule says the rule says dealing with regulatory authorities subject only to his or her duty to his client so there's some privilege this that's true a solicitor must be open and frank with his in his dealings his or her dealings with the regulatory authority this is the conduct rules 43.2 the solicitor must furnish in writing a full and accurate account of his or her conduct in the matter your beauty all right that let's see how full and accurate this is part of the reason for this uh uh podcast
wouldn't it be nice if mr uh mahony does a full and accurate account and says oh sorry mark smith was telling the truth that'd be nice wouldn't it?
Mahony: is to and the Barrister quite rightly agrees …..
Mahony: the money thats required to pay out the loan that has been assigned to Smith.
The logic is to and the Barrister quite rightly agrees is that we may not have um a- we said we might not have …. We still reckon we have a claim against Smith to set aside the judgment but the fact is we have got a better claim against you because you lent
um so that's a threat right and uh he's got he's making threats to the client of someone else so tim horne is garry's lawyer and he's saying well we reckon we've got a better claim against you
and this is over this sham 26th of may loan agreement that says uh garry will we'll look at the document let's just keep going with the audio
Mahony: to Ralph money under this loan agreements that you are required to pay us so you should have paid him and him pay Ralph and you should have paid Smith. So you breached your contract with Ralph by not paying the money to Smith and pissing him off.
So I mean um- Ralph is quite happy to continue … allow the loans with you in May last year to continue on but you can’t- can’t do that if he goes bankrupt - can he?.
he can't do that if he goes bankrupt …. so he wants the arrangement with you to go on the the may one he doesn't want the deed of the 20 of the 11th of march 2020 to go on he doesn't want that to go on nor the judgment he wants the sham refinancing to go on but he can't do that if he goes bankrupt can he
And if you are not prepared to make Smith go away
so you have to make smith go away
there's a bankruptcy notice been issued in september 2019 at 2020 uh 17th it was served saying ralph hey you need to pay me i'm the one with the judgment you need to pay mark smith 106551 but uh mahony saying you need to make smith go away
so it's garry's problem but hang on garry loaned the money in in 16 for one year interest-free
it wasn't paid back the cave it was was withdrawn ralph never got his money from the warriewood property apg got it. ralph then goes and does a settlement with apg on behalf of mr kumar, apg walk out with seven hundred thousand dollars or something like that? ralph then goes into business with and jordan in fiji selling timber?
this is this is quite fabulous isn't it but it's GARRY'S fault you it's your fault gary because you didn't lend the money to pay smith even though five years before that uh four years or whatever it was uh gary uh paligaru took out an interest-free loan we don't know where the hundred and six thousand is hundred and fifteen thousand it's in ralph's pocket but it's your fault garry that you didn't give the money to smith
Mahony: And if you are not prepared to make Smith go away on the basis that Ralph is still going to pay this money to you (whispering)
If you're not prepared to pay the money to Smith? pay what money to smith there is no money. ralph hasn't paid it (the 2016 loan back) now i'm whispering in his ear at this time saying oh go get some security on this timber mill he's buying a timber mill but he can't pay two thousand bucks a month the timber mill's worth a million fiji dollars or four million the debt on it is like five seven million fiji dollars uh yet ralph can't find two thousand a month to pay his obligations he signed a deed.
Mahony: under the loan agreement then Ralph’s got no choice if he wants to survive than to sue you.
Ralph's got no choice but to sue you? is this sounding weird?
Garry: Let me see what i can do …
ah now this is where tim yeah let's let's let's have a look at mr mahony exact words his exact words i was not oh well maybe maybe we'll we'll go back so this is this conversation happened on the 9th on the 10th i write and say this afternoon you have written to mr uh steinberg knowing that tim continues to represent him and provided the attached letter i believe garry informed you yesterday that he had a lawyer tim and that you ought to be speaking with tim that's tim horne of uh horne legal who would facilitate mediation now i know precisely what's on the recording and i write this to mahony the day after the recording and mahony writes back oh and i copy this to the professional standards department complaints at the law society and the office of legal services commissioner
now i never forced um mahony to hit reply all mahony and and as i said there's an obligation here rule 43 dealing with regulatory authorities the solicitor must be open and frank so you tell me in his dealings his or her deals the solicitor must furnish in writing a full and accurate account so in reply what does he say john mahony the 12th so he's had two days to think about it i write to him the conversation's on the
9th on the 10th late in the afternoon i write to him and say hang on you're writing to garry you know he's got a solicitor he writes back and says dear mr smith let's copy to tim horne
here's a clue it's copied to tim horne
i never knew you had a …. i never knew uh tim horne acted for reliance leasing he's written to tim horne
and you're about to listen to what you hear oh you'll hear what you hear i was not aware tim horne asked for reliance as far as i was aware the last solicitor again it is not up to you to advise me who does or does not act for reliance at the time of this dictation the 10th i've heard from no solicitor advising me that he or she acts
tim saying i've heard from no solicitor well let's let's just play and you can listen and you'll be the judge whether tim is a solicitor for um reliance or not so i'll just take it back a smidgen
okay let me see what i can do is it worthwhile yeah yeah yeah
absolutely is it worth while you are talking to tim and trying to do some type of mediation
No, no, no um it’s- I can’t talk to him, he is just as much of an arsehole as- as Smith is and uh it is just a waste of time talking to those pricks.
Um but all I am saying is if we don’t know what is going on and before Ralph goes bankrupt he is going to have to sue you -
um so that sounds like another threat? if you don't know what's going on before ralph goes bankrupt he's going to have to sue you? but hang on he just said is it worthwhile uh tim, is it worthwhile having a mediation how's tim going to do a mediation if he doesn't act for reliance leasing?
now i accused him two days before i believe you informed did you have a conversation with garry and say does distasteful things about tim?
did you say tim is as much an [ __ ] as smith you declined to speak with garry and my lawyer
tim was acting for both of us is. it true? he writes back and says uh no: the comments attributed to me
to me by you to an alleged conversation i had has contained the first second and third lines were not made by me
so let's have a look at the first second and third lines
i don't know how big his screen is or maybe he's talking about the first second and third paragraphs i don't know?
what do you reckon if john mahony? do you want him handling your matters?
we're mates we're buddies i'm ringing you up and saying we're going to sue you but we're mates i don't want to have to do that this is going to hurt me more than it hurts you
Mahony: it's a waste of time talking to those pricks it's a waste of time talking to those pricks tim horne, solicitor's conduct rule you must be courteous that's a great one frankness independence it mustn't be the mouthpiece conflicts concerning former clients uh well formerly there's this lifting of the caveat issue uh
rule 4 now this is actually the first rule in this solicitors conduct rules um a solicitor must these are fundamental ethical duties act in the best interest of his client in which the solicitor represents okay i don't have a problem with that the must be honest and courteous in all dealings no i'm not a solicitor by the way um but mahony is. must deliver services legal services competently diligently and as promptly as reasonably reasonably possible avoid any compromise to their integrity avoid any compromise like talking to someone else's client?
or making threats
Mahony: …. if we don’t know what is going on and before Ralph goes bankrupt he is going to have to sue you -
Garry: Okay Yeah alright I said i’ll give you that-
Mahony: and I don’t want to do that because we are mates.
I am just giving you the heads up.
Mahony: What you have to do is say to Smith, I have got Ralph tied up to pay the money to me and once he pays me I’ll pay you and in the meantime, um, just get rid of all these judgments- get rid of this judgment and get rid of the bankruptcy notice and- and move on
so in other words lean on mark smith. mark smith's got a judgment but lean on him okay but john as a mate and this is off the record i mean this is going on and on and on and we seem to be going from disaster to disaster now we've had a storm over and the mill's
Oh yeah yeah well Ralph’s over there at the moment he’s been over there the last 2 or 3 months
yeah it seems to be one disaster after the other okay so john mahony about to say he can find the money to buy a timber mill the bank's giving it away for nothing i've seen the documents. so that's a representation okay that's a representation. i've seen the documents uh they're going to give it away for nothing next to nothing pardon me but you can't find two thousand dollars a month to pay mark smith
Well he can’t- he can’t help that
no no i understand that
and it is true there was a cyclone and uh look parts of
i'll put up the photos of the timber mill there you can google dreketi mill d-r-e-k-e-t-i kitty mill ralph paligaru
and you'll see the photos of the timber mill uh
it did suffer some damage
ralph didn't repair the damage by the way it's one of these obligations in the lease
He is putting- he is putting- yeah it actually might turn out okay he thinks because of the storm, he will be able to purchase um from the bank, the whole mill, for next to nothing.
He'll be able to purchase the whole mill from the bank for next to nothing?
so ralph's got money to buy a timber mill but frankly kiss my ass uh you're not getting your 2 000 a month now i think he goes on to say I've seen the documents so let's
and he is got a programme now where he is going to um … theres been the storm and a flood and the whole road was washed out.
but i have seen the correspondence between Ralph and um the bank in Fiji and they are going to basically give him the mill to get rid of it because it is worth next to nothing.
So he can- that will actually work out well for him …
freehold land makes up about nine percent of the fijian landmass the rest is native title or crown land so land with a timber mill and a highway frontage and it's crown land and it's like five or ten acres or something they're going to give it away for next to nothing it's worth next to nothing this is the same person that said ralph's house is worth 1.4 million dollars john mahony himself real estate expert said 1.4 you've got to get at least 1.4 for the house 88 perfection avenue stanhope gardens let's go back and just listen to that last five seconds again the lands i've seen the documents from the bank the the mortgages are possession by the way that's usually not a good thing and ralph's the tenant
Mahony: um the bank in Fiji and they are going to basically give him the mill to get rid of it because it is worth next to nothing.
So he can- that will actually work out well for him because he will be able to purchase it for next to nothing and he will then start putting in a mill and eventually build the whole thing up …
how's he going to purchase if you can't find two thousand dollars a month
how are you going to purchase a timber mill crown not crown land um freehold land for next to nothing
and eventually build the whole thing up … (whisper)
ah that's my voice - ask for security on that this land he buys for next to nothing it's got a timber mill on it it's like five acres with a highway frontage he's that mahony's seen the documents, made a representation i've seen the documents they're going to give it to him for next to nothing the bank the mortgagee in possession? the mortgage in possession is going to give to the tenant who never paid his rent they're going to give it away for next to nothing? really? why are they mortgagee in possession?
why are they why are they doing a mortgagee sale? if they want to give it away why don't they just give it away for next to nothing if uh if that was their intention
Mahony: If he goes bankrupt in Australia it means next to nothing to him in Fiji
if he goes bankrupt, doesn't matter it means next to nothing?
you wait until you hear what these representations he makes says ralph's safe, earning a good income and living the life of riley
yeah he's living the life of riley, he's got no repayments it doesn't have to doesn't have to yeah maybe well he's not in fact he's not paying his payments but haven't you listened with your own ears
let's just go back and we'll re-listen to that Mahony: If he goes bankrupt in Australia it means next to nothing to him in Fiji
he will just friggen stay in Fiji because
if he goes bankrupt he'll just friggen stay in fiji that sounds like uh you're trying to defeat your creditors there? and this is this is a lawyer
speaking to the legal opponent, i'm going to sue you he's got no choice but to sue you you, he'll just friggen stay in fiji if he goes bankrupt
so in other words you'll never you'll never see him again he'll never return
Mahony: I don’t know what he and his daughter talked to you about but Smith has basically destroyed the marriage between Ralph and his wife, Amreeta,
smith's basically destroyed the marriage
yeah. so as i said i i caused him to borrow money at six percent a month Mahony: i wouldn't be surprised if you never saw ralph again quite frankly
Garry: that's my concern
Mahony: But, he does want to come back to Australia. I know that.
so he's staying away. he wants to come back, but he's choosing to be away.
that is an act of bankruptcy (s40 Bankruptcy Act).
thanks john, really nicely said.
Mahony: But if you bankrupt him, that will give him every incentive to stay there
his marriage is basically finished- his family is doing um in fiji
but he is safe and making money in Fiji and living the life of Riley.
Why would he come back if you guys bankrupt him here?
he's safe and making money in fiji living the life of riley. why would he come back?
so he's choosing to have sent himself have a look at uh s40 of the bankruptcy act choosing to absent himself
So it is - this is all Smith doing because he is a bull at a gate and he is using blackmail for terror tactics
blackmail and terror tactics?
so holding someone to their obligations? the banks are they terrorists? do they is they guilty of blackmailing people that don't pay their bills?
blackmail and terror tactics let's just go back
blackmail so he served a bankruptcy notice blackmail
independence must exercise the forensic judgment called for during you know during the case independently after considering the client's instructions
let's take care
solicitor must take care to ensure that the solicitor's advice to invoke the coercive powers of the court is not principally in order to gain to harass or embarrass someone and he's not principally in order to gain some collateral advantage for his client
blackmail and terror tactics or the solicitor or the instructing solicitor out of court
and then i say this is what i say to the office of legal services commissioner and i copy this to these guys called ypol whoever these people are t price YPOL they're a group of solicitors oh law cover so that's uh the professional indemnity insurances for uh Mahony law the outcome of this matter has bearing on mr mahony's personal interest and a claim previously filed so we previously filed and it's attached YPOL are the lawyers acting on the record for law cover. those proceedings are to follow resolution of the paligaru matter and realizing of a loss so john mahony said well why would we bankrupt ralph uh we we just want to bring it to an end this has been going on for five years, that's good enough reason. the court process is under the summons are we say to gain a collateral advantage to the instructions instructing solicitor so this is a responsible this is the conduct rules 21.1.4. a solicitor must not do that that must not use the coercive powers of the court to gain a commercial advantage
a solicitor must take all necessary steps to correct a false statement to an opponent
must not knowingly make a false statement to the opponent
dealing with others must not make statements which grossly exceed the the legitimate assertion of the rights of his client or mislead or intimidate someone, well we're going to sue you
let's not threaten disciplinary proceedings against the other person must not use tactics that go beyond legitimate advocacy to embarrass or frustrate another person okay blackmail and terror tactics let's go back and listen to that so this is this is addressed to me, he knows that uh garry talks to me he didn't know probably that i was listening in but let's let's continue on and keep in mind these uh you know you can't do things to mislead or intimidate or uh threaten uh criminal or disciplinary proceedings like in other words when you write back to the law society as uh john mahony did
knowing that uh i'm a law student have a
Mahony: his marriage is basically finished- his family is doing um in fiji
but he is safe and making money in Fiji and living the life of Riley.
Why would he come back if you guys bankrupt him here?
So it is - this is all Smith doing because he is a bull at a gate and he is using blackmail for terror tactics and that’s - that’s his modus operandi we understand that- that’s why he will never be a lawyer.
But the fact is he is killing you and
I don’t give a f*ck about Smith but you are my mate.
mark's killing you. collecting collecting money for a money lender is killing garry
now you've just heard garry said well i've got i've got a lawyer called tim but he's still he goes on and makes all these representations after he knew two minutes ago that uh he had a lawyer who's his biggest big [ __ ] as mark smith
Mahony: I want to look after you.
I’ll work with Ralph…
i want to look after you gary. i'll work with ralph to make sure even though he hasn't paid he hasn't made his payments since 2016 i'll work with him representation i'm making a representation
Mahony: I’ll work with Ralph to make sure he pays but ….
I'll work with Ralph - to make sure he pays. Let's go back and listen to that again. You're my mate.
Mahony: I'll work with Ralph to make sure he pays as long as he knows he's not going to go bankrupt so whenever you're trying to bankrupt him this is another act of bankruptcy by the way section 40 of the bankruptcy act uh if you tell if you if you send your lawyer in to bat for you and say uh ralph's not paying unless you tell smith to pull his friggen head in
Garry: He won’t go bankrupt, he won’t go bankrupt.
Mahony: No he will- he will on the middle of march certainly mid-march smith will go full steam ahead
that’s why i am spending hours of my time now to stop this thing dead… um-
Garry: Okay I’ll have- I’ll have a talk he won't go for sure
You’ll have to come back to me really quick because otherwise we are going to have to turn our counsel on you i bet you copy that agreement too.
I’ll get you a copy of that agreement too
Yeah beautiful yeah - i mean i appreciate that it has been assigned
we have probably agreed on- i'm sure that is the case- but you need to speak to Smith and make him pull out of this
you need to speak to smith and make him pull out make him he's got a judgment of the supreme court but we're leaning on you gary remember that hundred and six hundred and fifteen thousand from 2016 you need to tell smith Mahony: if he doesn’t do this voluntarily and If i dont hear by the end of the week the barristers will be prepared to claim … because we’re just going to have to file
if you don't make smith go away the barristers are going to claim against you garry, not smith you okay talk to you soon
Garry: there you go you got it straight from the horse's mouth so we're going to end that part there that speaks for itself and i'll wrap up in a separate video in a moment well what did what did you reckon about that uh have you had any experiences with uh john mahony has he acted for you has he acted against you uh are you another lawyer uh do you have you found mr mahony good to deal with uh have you had a different experience uh i'd really love to hear from you uh on our website uh you'll see just over my shoulder here um it's got our it's got our web page uh
www.dcpartners.solutions/podcast and we've got an instant message chat tool which is down in the bottom uh right of the screen and you can chat with us and uh we would really love to hear from you or you could give us a call anytime 1300 327 123 we'd really like to talk to you um if maybe maybe you're also a client and uh you had some involvement in um 632 old northern road or you've owed money by anyone that we've mentioned today um it could be i don't know i don't know what the circumstances are but we would love to hear some more so we'd love to continue the conversation www.dcpartners.solutions/podcast um my name's mark smith you can ring us anytime if you've got any questions uh you've got any comments uh again we'd love to hear thank you very much for tuning in season 1 episode 5 of the many r's podcast
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