I received the following WhatsApp message (apparently from Ralph Paligaru ... see WhatsApp message ID).

Have you had any dealings with Ralph Paligaru - in Australia, Fiji, India, elsewhere?
How would you rate your experiences with Ralph Paligaru?
Would you like to tell us about your experiences?
Ralph is the director of Dural Alliances Pty Ltd (in liquidation) in Australia and Mills Management (Fiji) Pte Ltd, operator of the Dreketi Timber Mill, Dreketi, Labasa, Fiji previously owned and operated by Taiwan Timber Fiji.
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The Wonderful Business of Asquith Spices: Profiling Ralph Paligaru's Success

Dural Alliances Pty Ltd in Liquidation: Insights into Public Interest and Corporate Insolvency

The Many R's Podcast S1E7: Exploring Rogues, Rascals, and Corporate Villains