Those who have dealt with Ralph over the last few years involving the Dural 632 Old Northern Rd financial wipeout may recall Ralph using denials such as the below:

Sadly, if you don't believe Ralph's denials you might get a message like the ones I got below from Ralph:

Have you had any dealings with Ralph Paligaru – in Australia, Fiji, India, elsewhere?
Have you supplied goods or services to Ralph or Mills Management (Fiji) Pte Ltd or Dreketi Timber Mill?
Have you purchased goods or services to Ralph or Mills Management (Fiji) Pte Ltd or Dreketi Timber Mill?
How would you rate your experiences with Ralph Paligaru?
Would you like to tell us confidentially about your experiences?
For more information – chat with us live using our instant chat tools (bottom corners), book an appointment or call now on 1300-327123 (till late).
To contact us with any confidential tip-offs, files or information – please use the instant chat tools or form below:
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