Is your business or are you personally owed money by a company here in Australia?

If yes - and if the amount in over $2,000 - it is likely you are able to use our free debt collection tool called the Creditors Statutory Demand.

To find out - click here and complete the check list, then proceed to collect the money (no charge from us).

To schedule a free review of your current business structure click the following link: Book a meeting instantly

To view our knowledge base glossary - for the definition of a term click the following link:  Glossary of terms

To view our knowledge base click the following link: Knowledge base

take our free Business Health Check and receive bespoke, obligation free advice suited to your needs within minutes.

Otherwise – click here to book a free appointment, call me anytime on 1300-327123 (till late), or click the chat tool – bottom right corner to instant chat now

Thanks, Mark Smith, Director

If you need help with your business' finance, to access more finance, complete the form below:

Other Snowgums Blogs

What is insolvency?

Insolvency in general terms, as it relates to a corporation, is the inability to pay debts as and when they become payable.

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The ATO, debts and debt collection

The ATO is one of Australia's most aggressive debt collectors and certainly makes use of the creditor's statutory demand as discussed in other blog...

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