1 min read
Many R's podcast - S01E01
Mark Smith
20 September 2020 3:27:47 PM
5R Podcast - S01E01 - Rogues, Rascals, Rorts, Rip-offs & Reviewables
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To share this video: In this series: https://youtu.be/QT-0USvUcy0
To view other podcasts in this series - go to our podcast page - click here
Mark Smith of DC Partners (Solutions) Pty Ltd sets the scene and discusses those villains or possible villains that we'll be discussing throughout the remainder of the Season and subsequent seasons.
Season 1 will focus on:
- Miscellaneous other bad players in society
Season 1, Episode 1 (Chapter 1) discusses the following:
- Australasian Property Group Pte Ltd, Singapore and its directors: Ian Jordan and Maya Purushothaman
- Ralph Paligaru and Dreketi Mill, Labasa Fiji.
- Craig Adams - Bargo Development Pty Ltd (in liquidation), Golden Arrow International Pty Ltd (in liquidation)
- Bernard Hall, Fiona Hall of Caernarvon Cherry Pty Ltd, Biteriot Operations Pty Ltd
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